Vocational Evaluation
Vocational Evaluation
Are you ready to earn a paycheck, performing a job you enjoy, but you’re not quite sure what type of work you want to do? BCRC’s Vocational Evaluation services help you find a job that’s right for you.
To do that, we have to get to know you.
This gives you an opportunity to see what’s required for each type of work and determine if it’s right for you. If not, we’ll keep looking until you find a job that’s a good fit based on your interests and abilities.
Finally, we compile everything we learn during your evaluation into a detailed report and recommend future employment and training opportunities that are suitable for you.
For more information about our Vocational Evaluation Services, please contact:
Julianna Tisak
Coordinator of Employment Services
WIN Services of BCRC
724-378-4750 ext.1135