Autism Program
Autism Programs
This program provides community inclusion support and integrated work experiences. Individuals are assisted in developing and working toward desired outcomes in the areas of mobility, communication, socialization, relationship and personal development, adaptive skills, domestic skills, self-care, physical wellness, and work experience.
Activities include the following, but are not limited to:
- Volunteering
- Community events and educational tours
- Accessing community resources and navigating public transportation
- Engaging in activities that promote exercise and physical wellness
- Assistance with grocery shopping
- Home living instruction – cooking, laundry, hygiene, safety, etc.
- Assessing vocational interests
Supported Employment
This program provides supported employment with the ultimate goal of finding and retaining competitive jobs of your choosing. Services are offered with a person-centered philosophy that integrates the foundation principles of hope, choice and empowerment. Special emphasis is placed on appropriate workplace communication and the identification of accommodations that will assist in employment retention.
Services most commonly provided through supported employment include:
- Assessing vocational interests
- Identifying and securing employment opportunities
- Resume development, completing applications, job searches, and interview readiness
- Employment related personal skills instruction
- Workplace communication and requesting support or special accommodations
- Driver’s ed and public transportation training
- Job coaching when desired or needed
Supported Education
This program provides support and helps participants to pursue their educational goals, whether it be obtaining a GED or accessing post-secondary education. Supported Education helps to promote career development and improve long-term work opportunities among those whom we serve.
Supported Education is offered in the following ways:
- Career planning – vocational assessments, career exploration, development of an educational plan, course selection, instruction, support, and counseling
- Academic survival skills – information on college and training programs, disability rights and resources, tutoring and mentoring services, time and stress management, and social supports
- Direct assistance – help with enrollment, financial aid, and education debt
- Outreach and contacts with – campus resources, mental health treatment team members and other agencies
These programs support the unique needs of those with Autism by integrating iPads and other assistive technology into services to help you get the most out of the program.
For more information about our Autism programs, please contact:
Jonni Kichta
Habilitation Services Supervisor
724-775-0415 ext.3102